
Contemporary art of giorgos Theocharous

Artist statement

The artist Annette Messager has stated: ‘Real life is more extra ordinary than all of the imagination’

The epoch of Anthropocene is affecting our lives for 200 years now. Its marks are everywhere.

My method allows me to excavate the layers of my life’s events that I consider linear. Every piece of my work is made to relate to the next by continuing the layout of the previous one creating an endless artwork as I consider life on earth to be as such. My great source of work are the old posters that are baked under the strong Mediterranean sun. The original colours are changed in an extraordinary way revealing organic formations. My purpose is that the viewer would be able to navigate in my work and recognise different worlds that don’t exist. Not the fluid compositions that occupy the space of my work.

Coming soon

I am currently working on a new theme called HEAT.

It is about how materials, our skin included, is deteriorating with time that untimately leads to our end of our life on earth.